Employment Development Department (EDD) Assistance for Employers

Whether you’re facing issues related to payroll taxes, unemployment claims, or compliance matters, our experienced attorneys are here to provide you with the guidance and support you need to navigate EDD-related challenges effectively.


Understanding EDD

The EDD is a state agency responsible for a range of employment-related matters, including unemployment insurance, disability insurance, payroll taxes, and workforce development. It plays a crucial role in administering benefits and enforcing compliance with California labor laws.

Common EDD Challenges for Employers

Employers often encounter various challenges when dealing with the EDD. These challenges may include disputes over unemployment claims, audits, penalties, and compliance issues. Understanding these common issues is the first step toward effective resolution.


Our Expertise in EDD Matters

Cohen Law Group specializes in providing assistance to employers facing EDD-related challenges. Our legal team possesses in-depth knowledge of California labor laws and EDD regulations, enabling us to offer strategic solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Services We Offer

Our comprehensive EDD assistance services for employers include:

  • Unemployment Claim Defense
    We help employers contest or navigate unemployment claims, ensuring your interests are protected.
  • Payroll Tax Issues
    We provide guidance on payroll tax matters, helping you avoid penalties and compliance problems.
  • Compliance Review
    Our team conducts thorough compliance reviews to identify and address potential issues proactively.

Benefits of Choosing Cohen Law Group

By choosing Cohen Law Group for your EDD-related matters, you gain access to seasoned attorneys who are well-versed in California labor laws and EDD regulations. We prioritize cost-effective solutions while offering strong representation in disputes and audits, ultimately reducing your legal expenses.

Proactive EDD Assistance

Our proactive approach includes conducting compliance audits to identify and rectify potential issues before they escalate. This helps you maintain compliance with EDD requirements and avoid costly penalties.


Resolving Disputes

When disputes arise with the EDD, we employ negotiation and mediation techniques to reach amicable resolutions. If necessary, we are fully prepared to represent your interests in administrative hearings and appeals.

Contact Us for EDD Assistance

If you are an employer in need of assistance with EDD-related matters or require proactive legal counsel to navigate California labor laws, Cohen Law Group is here to help. Schedule an initial consultation with our experienced attorneys to discuss your specific situation, and rely on us for expert guidance and unwavering support in EDD-related challenges.