You built it.
We’re here to protect it.
Legal representation for employers & businesses in California


Jordan Cohen, ESQ.

About Cohen Law Group

At Cohen Law Group, we bring over three decades of legal expertise and a unique understanding of the challenges faced by businesses. Recognizing the intricacies involved in managing a business, we empathize with the concerns of employers, particularly in navigating the complex landscape of employee termination and potential lawsuits. Witnessing the detrimental impact of employee lawsuits on businesses and their visionary owners who take significant personal and financial risks, our firm was founded with a mission to vigorously advocate for businesses.

We are dedicated to providing robust legal representation, ensuring the health and viability of businesses while safeguarding the opportunities they provide for both employees and entrepreneurs.

Practice Areas

Cohen Law Group empowers your business against legal challenges with expert, empathetic legal defense. From navigating employee hiring and firing issues to defending against harassment, discrimination, and wage disputes, our seasoned team is dedicated to safeguarding businesses through strategic and tailored legal counsel, ensuring the protection and prosperity of our clients.

Employee Hiring and Firing

Offering robust legal representation for employers facing lawsuits related to employee hiring and firing, navigating complexities to build a strong defense and mitigate potential liabilities.

Harassment and Discrimination Claims and Investigations

Providing adept legal counsel and representation for employers entangled in harassment and discrimination lawsuits, conducting thorough investigations, and advocating for a fair resolution.

Employment Contracts

Delivering strategic legal defense for employers confronted with lawsuits involving employment contracts. We craft compelling arguments and defenses to protect the employer’s interests throughout legal proceedings.

Cohen Law Group—we got you.

We fight for you, the employer.

Your business was built on sweat equity, financial risk, and personal sacrifice. As experienced business owners, ourselves, we understand your frustration. The sense of betrayal. And we will fight for your rights as an employer.


Business Law in LA – Finding the Right Attorney for Your Needs

Finding a business law attorney in Los Angeles with the right blend of expertise and experience is crucial for your business’s well-being.

Read More about Business Law in LA – Finding the Right Attorney for Your Needs

The Role of Labor Law Attorneys in Los Angeles Businesses

Los Angeles labor law lawyers specialize in the legal landscape of employer-employee relations, playing a vital role in assisting businesses

Read More about The Role of Labor Law Attorneys in Los Angeles Businesses

Facing an employee lawsuit?

Defend your business against ungrateful and entitled ex-employees. We represent employers in wage and hour lawsuits, harassment and discrimination, labor commission claims, and more. At Cohen Law Group, we fight for your business like it’s ours.

You built your business. Don’t let anyone tear it down!

Frivolous employee lawsuits drain the economy and drive SMBs out of California. At Cohen Law Group, we are proud to stand as guardians for small to midsize businesses.