Hiring and Firing Legal Services

We Make Your Business Our Business.

In the intricate dance of hiring and firing, every step counts. Whether it’s expanding your team or making tough decisions, we are here to guide you through the legal nuances with confidence and care.


Guiding Employers Through Critical Employment Decisions

Hire Smart, Terminate with Confidence

At Cohen Law Group, we understand that the processes of hiring and firing are among the most critical decisions you make as an employer. These actions not only shape the future of your workforce but also carry significant legal weight. Our legal expertise ensures that from the moment you decide to hire a new employee, to the unfortunate event of a dismissal, your procedures are compliant, your policies are clear, and your business is protected.

Navigating the Legalities of Hiring

Building Your Team on Solid Ground

The hiring process is fraught with potential legal pitfalls. We assist you in developing lawful hiring practices that align with state and federal regulations. From crafting job descriptions to conducting interviews and making job offers, our goal is to help you build a team on solid legal ground.


Managing Risk in Terminations

Terminating with Legal Foresight

When it’s time to make tough decisions, Cohen Law Group is at your side. We provide strategic counsel on termination procedures that minimize the risk of litigation. Whether it’s performance-related, a matter of misconduct, or economic downsizing, we guide you through creating a defensible and respectful exit process.


Drafting and Reviewing Employment Policies

Clear Policies to Uphold Fair Practices

Your employment policies are the backbone of your workforce management. We help draft and review your policies to ensure they are up-to-date and enforceable. Clear guidelines for both hiring and firing can prevent misunderstandings and protect your business in the event of a dispute.

Training and Workshops

Empowering Employers with Knowledge

Cohen Law Group offers training sessions and workshops for employers and HR teams on best practices for hiring and firing. We believe that empowering you with knowledge is a powerful defense against future legal issues.


Legal Support for Disputed Terminations

Defense for When Disputes Arise

Should a former employee dispute their termination, Cohen Law Group stands ready to defend your actions. We bring a robust understanding of wrongful termination claims to the table, ensuring that your side is heard and your business interests are vigorously represented.


We Got You.

Proactive Legal Counsel for Proactive Businesses

Your business deserves the confidence that comes with having a knowledgeable legal ally. Contact Cohen Law Group to discuss how we can assist with your hiring and firing strategies, helping you avoid legal pitfalls and maintain a thriving workplace.